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Why do I paint signs? Why do I shape letters and pictures with a sable brush and smelly paint?   Why would anyone create physical images when modern technology can create a likeness to those same images so quickly and easily?  
Why would I challenge my quinquagenarian body, its concentration, eyes and retrain its fingers to manipulate a brush by twisting, rolling, lifting and pressing it upon a signboard, to shape painted letters just so I can look at them?
These are important questions.  For when I am signwriting I instantly, recognise my mistakes, the imperfect curve, and the strait line with undulations, the incorrect weight or slant of a character, the balance of the sign and of cause any slip of the brush.
The answer of course is because I can. I enjoy the complex challenges that signwriting gives me, and I celebrate in the knowledge that I am still capable of such an unforgiving craft. I know I have some skill, however when compared to so many other signwriters my abilities are lacking in so many ways as there are so many aspects to this art form that I suspect on one who practices it ever stops learning. I could choose to write letters with craft pens, use stencils or even print my signs, but for me that would be cheating for I would lose the oneness I experience when I see the loaded brush birth upon my canvas and with each stroke my skills improve..
Hero (Film) 2002 Calligraphy
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